My Free Days

Selasa, 11 Mei 2010 19.50 by Flowerbloom
Wuah!! It has been a long time I didn't visit my lovely blog. Setelah berkutat dengan ujian nasional dan akhirnya dinyatakan lulus, sekarang saya sedang fokus untuk melanjutkan pendidikan saya. Saya belum tahu apakah melanjutkan ke universitas atau ke akademi, bedanya? sama saja sih intinya, hanya titel yang akan didapatkan saja yang berbeda. Tapi, it's ok! The most important thing is saya nggak jadi pengangguran yang kerjanya hanya nonton tivi all day!! such a boring activity.
I wanna post something about my work.
1. Browsing internet. Why I placed it at the first place, because I'm such an online lover, and facebook is the influence.
2. Cooking for my family's meal. Because I'm the only one who is free all the time, so it's my duty to serve the food for my family, though I'm not really sure about the taste haha
3. Taking a nap! this is my most favorite activity. Usually I sleep for 2 hours or maybe more! Just Bet! I can't sleep at night
4. Going to church. It's a must! Even I only do it on Sunday, but at the time I can speak to Jesus, Mother Maria, alike with curhat.
5. Downloading Monkey Majik's songs! Love it so much!! The singers have different color of voices. One is smooth, the other is heavy.

And these are the collection of mine, I downloaded it from google, hhee..enjoy!

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